Eric Theodore Tennant lives in an encampment in Missoula. Photo: Ben Allan Smith, Missoulian
Missoula, Mont., is facing an affordable housing crisis like the city has never seen before. For the 6-part Missoulian series “Nowhere to Go,” David Erickson went to Portland, Ore., to learn what lessons that city’s extensive housing programs can offer Missoula.
Read the full series:
Part 1 — an overview of Montana’s housing crisis.
Part 2 — a look at how private equity firms are raising rents in mobile home parks in Montana.
Part 3 — How a “wealth tax” in Portland, Oregon pays the wages of a street beautification team of homeless or formerly homeless individuals.
Part 4 — How Portland was able to build housing with services for native Americans and whether there’s a need for that in Missoula.
Part 5 — How two housing bonds passed by voters in Portland have helped formerly homeless people find stable housing.
Part 6 — What Missoula officials say about the housing crisis, urban camping and what their plans are for the future.